Cookie Policy

While browsing our website, it is possible that we collect information related to traffic and visit patterns of the pages within our domain. This information is handled through cookies or cookies (small amounts of information in text format that the page sends to users' computers or devices while they visit).

The purpose of using cookies is to personalize access to the page in order to improve navigation and functionality conditions.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or, ultimately, the device you use to browse the internet and which can save information related to how often you visit the web pages, your browsing preferences, the information you are most interested in, your usernames, product records, etc.

In our case, the cookies we use on our website do not collect information that personally identifies you.

The data controller is: ANDORNET, S.A.  A-705285-Z  C/ Prat de la Creu, 59-65 Esc.C 3º Desp. 3G  -AD500- ANDORRA LA VELLA (PRINCIPALITY OF ANDORRA).

For more information, you can contact us at:

The Cookie Policy as well as the website itself will be periodically reviewed and updated.

Thanks to the cookies, it is possible to recognize registered users after they have registered for the first time, without them having to register on each visit to access the areas and services reserved exclusively for them.

The User has the option to prevent the generation of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in their browser program.

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Click on the downloaded file.

Click on the downloaded file.

Click "Yes" to allow the installation.


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